2020年,邦里忙换窗服务正式孵化成功。“ 邦里忙”品牌走入大众视野,凭借其新型的服务理念——换窗不扰民、一小时用新窗广受国内消费者青睐。
Bangli Busy "is a brand under Shanghai Xianyu Xianwei Home Products Co., Ltd., headquartered in Songjiang, Shanghai. The company specializes in providing integrated services including design, production, sales, packaging, transportation, and installation of aluminum alloy doors and windows, sunrooms, and carports. Bang Li's products are exported to more than 40 countries abroad and have established reliable sales networks with countries such as Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, India, Africa, the Middle East, and South America.
In 2020, Bangli's window replacement service was officially incubated successfully. The "Bangli Busy" brand has entered the public eye and is widely favored by domestic consumers with its new service concept - replacing windows without disturbing the public and using new windows for one hour.
作为主打线上推广的主打服务品牌,早晨以邦里忙服务本身作为主要推广方向。通过服务提升产品本身的附加值,增强附带产品的竞争力。推出了“一小时换新窗”这一宣传语。以传达给客户 快速、便捷、高效的服务特点。 同时契合追求高效率,怕麻烦的客户群体对于换窗服务最主要的痛点需求。
作为主打线上推广的品牌,针对作为主要受众的青年人群,以BUNNY单词,引申出一只活泼、热情、可爱的兔子的形象,将品牌名视觉化,形象化,拉近对于动漫有亲和力的青年人群的距离,增加他们对于品牌的好感度。同时视觉化,拟人化的形象,可以衍生出 头像、表情包、乃至与动画GIF等利于网络传播的产品,丰满品牌的形象,提升品牌的互动能力,创造出“这是一个由国际化高端公司打造的,专门提供高端化专业换窗的网络服务品牌“的概念。